Chiropractors adjust subluxations. Subluxation occurs when spinal joints are injured and nerves in and around the spine become irritated. Irritated nerves cause the nervous system to protect the spine locally by causing muscles to tighten but also causes stress hormones to be released. As the body adapts to subluxation, posture changes, muscles fire to protect the injured joint and nerves, and inflammation infiltrates the connective tissues of the spine. All when combined with time set the stage for spinal degeneration.
We test. We dont guess. We use x-ray to look at the structure to determine both gross and finite structural changes. We are also able to determine the extent of spinal degeneration present. This allows us to deliver the most appropriate adjustment to those tissues, and give more accurate reccomendations in regard to the time it will take to reach treatment goals.
We are able to take a deeper dive into neurospinal function by using technology. Surface electromyography is able to evaluate paraspinal muscle tone which is very reactive to nerve irritation. We can tell how over or underactive muscle tone is along with patterns of asymmetrical muscle firing. Thermal scanning and HRV are able to evaluate autonomic dysregulation.
The chiropractic adjustment is where the rubber meets the road. Here we will determine what type of adjustments will be performed. Age, type of condition, and state of spinal integrity along with patient comfort will all determine the type of chiropractic adjustive technique used. As you progress through care, an adjustment should be comfortable. Most patients how amazing it feels to be adjusted.
Your examinations and scans dont stop after your first visit. We check in with progress exams every 30 days. As we measure your condition improving, our reccomendations for frequency and type of care change accordingly. Also your at home reccomendations will change as you become stronger.
The Importance of Imaging
X-rays allow us to see what we can’t be seen with the naked eye. We can observe gross postural distortions along with patterns of vertebral misalignment. Degenerative changes reflect long standing problems. This vital information allows us to select individualized chiropractic care, exercises, stretches, and home recommendations suited specifically for you.

Surface Electromyography
What is measured: Irritated nerves from subluxation cause muscles to contract and protect. White readings indicate normal tone. Green, blue, and red are increasing levels of muscle tone which is often indicative of nerve irritation.
This is the same technology as an EKG or EEG. Electrical signals generated by contracting muscles can be measured. When nerves are irritated from malfunctioning spinal bones, the body protects itself by contracting the muscles that support the spine. If you’ve ever had an EKG to measure the properties of heart contraction, when the heart contracts, a signal can be measured. SEMG measures the tone of the paraspinal muscles. When nerves are irritated from abnormal spinal function, it is common to see abnormal spikes in muscle tone. The scan measures the severity of these spikes making the bars bigger and coloring the readings green, blue, or red. These colors indicate increasing levels of abnormal muscle tone/spasm and help us determine the extent of nerve irritation.
The bottom scan looks at the SEMG readings from a little different angle. The black line represents muscle tone on each side of the spine. By adjusting the patient over time, our goal is to normalize neurospinal fuction. Here we will see muscle tone normalize as irritation decrases with the black line approximating the faint white line on the scan.
Autonomic Nervous System Testing
What is measured:
Scan goals: Symmetry side to side and above to below. The top reading measures side to side with optimal readings being white. The bottom scan reads above to below showing the suspected nerurological dysfunction where there is asymmetry in the scan readings. The autonomic nervous system, also called the involuntary nervous system is responsible for controlling the organs and glands of the body. It is also involved in the fight-flight stress response.

Heart Rate Variability
What is measured:
Heart rate variability, abbreviated HRV is a measure of energy reserve. Variables that influence HRV include sleep quality, exercise, nutrition, stress exposure, and stress adaptation. Athletes with measurably low HRV have a higher incidence of illness and injury. Medical research shows better cancer survibability, better recovery from heart disease, and lower incidence of morbiidity and mortality with high HRV. Research demonstrates that chiropractic care can improve HRV
Our motto is test, don't guess
The following scans are initial examinations on the top and the first 30 day evaluation below. It is common to see all three scans trending in a better direction with each reexam. How much and what type of care provided is different for everyone. Now no provider can guaranee results, but regardless of individual, we expect your scans to improve.